Index To Emotion Roadmap
About this blog…
I intend to offer the opportunity for anyone who is interested to learn how to become more emotionally intelligent by reading a series of essays that I will present that teach people how to use the Emotion Roadmap™.
Some essays will feature guest authors.
Please comment after any essay you read so that I know whether or not you have been helped by the essay.
My vision is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
This blog is one attempt to make that happen.
Warm regards,
Chuck Wolfe
Caregiving and emotional intelligence: How can we benefit from what we are learning about emotional intelligence to help us with the difficult transition involving loved ones who are losing their independence. Read more...
a. Emotional Intelligence (EI) High Performance and the Emotion Roadmap™ I offer my practical definition of EI and briefly explain how it is tied to the scientific definition put forward by Peter Salovey, Provost of Yale University and John Mayer, University of New Hampshire Professor of Psychology. These gentlemen and their colleague David Caruso asked me to help them to find a way to apply their model to the workplace. I created the Emotion Roadmap™ to do just that. To learn more about the Emotion Roadmap™ and how it relates to Generating High Performance read more…
b. Pathway to a Rational Use of Management Competencies™ This article builds on EI & Emotion Roadmap™ by introducing the emotionally intelligent use of competencies. Years ago companies were introduced to the idea that focusing on core competencies for selection, talent management and promotion was a way to gain a competitive advantage. The use of competencies has never quite worked the way people intended. To see how the Emotion Roadmap™ can facilitate an effective approach to competencies that does give a competitive advantage to organizations for selection, development, promotion and talent management read more…
c. Women, Performance and the Emotion Roadmap™ If the way we measure performance was rational more women would be in senior leadership roles. In 2007 Women and the Labyrinth of Leadership was published in Harvard Business Review. I believe my review and commentary of this article will benefit our understanding of how emotions impact the difficulties women face in rising to senior leadership roles in organizations. Based on the Emotion Roadmap™ I offer some suggestions about what we can do to improve the situation for women. read more…
d. Exploring the Inner World of Employees & Performance In 2007 the Inner Work Life: Understanding the Subtext of Business Performance was published in Harvard Business Review. My review and commentary of this article will benefit our under standing of the link between the very interesting research done by Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J. Kramer and the role of emotional intelligence in contributing to high performance. read more…
a. Observations about the EQi and the MSCEIT There are three assessments commonly discussed when people consider Emotional Intelligence assessment. The first two are the EQi created by Reuven BarOn, defined as an assessment of emotional and social competencies, and the MSCEIT, created by Mayer, Salovey and Caruso which is an ability based measure of emotional intelligence. The third one is the ECI based on Goleman’s model. It is a 360 of competencies that relate to his emotional intelligence framework. Having worked closely with the authors of the first two, I offer some observations that may be helpful in deciding which assessment to use. I recommend them both. I do not recommend using the ECI. For my observation of the EQi and MSCEIT read more…